Create a verification activity
A verification activity consists of inspecting, checking, and mostly observing if the equipment is in ideal conditions, according the recommendations by the manufacturers or the company itself.
The verification activity will sort the information gathered from the asset.
To do this, simply follow the steps below:
1st step: Creating a service center
A service center defines the parties responsible for the execution of activities, to facilitate distinguishing the teams that took part in previous activities and locating their responsible contact.
A service center can be internal to the organization, or external, when an activity is executed by third-party workers.
To create a service center, access the AS010 menu and click on the button.

On the screen that will open, fill in the ID # field with "001" and the Company name field with "Internal Maintenance".

Then, access the Resource tab that will be displayed. In it, click on the button to associate your user with the service center.

Once done, click on the button.
The service center was created and is ready to be used.
2nd step: Creating a verification activity
To create a verification activity, access the AS029 menu, search for the previously created "Extruder alignment model" plan, and click on the button.

On the screen that will open, click on the arrow next to the ID # field to generate an automatic number.
Then, fill out the Actual field with "100" and the Service center field with "Internal Maintenance".
Now, click on the button next to the Responsible technician field and search for your user.

Then, access the Activity tab and fill out the Action taken field with the description of what was performed in the activity.

After doing that, click on the Save button. At this point, the activity status will change to "Execution".
Now, click on the Execute button and confirm the end of the activity.

By finishing this process, your first verification activity is finished!