Add a responsibility route to the linearity study
The responsibility route determines specific users, teams, or departments to perform certain actions.
For this example, we will determine routes responsible for drafting and approving a linearity study.
To do this, simply follow the steps below:
1st step: Creating routes responsible for approval and draft
To create a responsibility route, access the MS009 menu and click on the button.
On the screen that will be opened, fill out the ID # field with "REA" and the Name field with "Responsible for approval", and keep the "Approval" option selected for the route type.

After doing that, click on the button.
We will now set the parties responsible for the draft route.
Select the Responsible tab, click on , and define your user as responsible for the route, according to the example below.
If you wish to add more than one responsible party, the route will follow the sequence in which the users are added.

After doing that, click on the button.
Repeat this process to add the "Responsible for elaboration" route with the "Draft" route type to perform the next step.

In this way, we have successfully created a responsibility route!
2nd step: Adding the responsibility route to a study
We will now add the previously created routes to the linearity study.
To do that, access the MS003 menu. In the Quick search field, search for the study ID # and click on the button.

On the MSA data screen, select the Responsibility route option and fill out the Draft and Approval fields with the routes created in the previous step, according to the image below.

Now, simply click on the Save and exit button and accept the system request to send the study to the next step.
The responsibility route has been successfully added to the linearity study!