Creating a portal
- Access to the Portals > Create menu.
Portals are visual tools that gather a wide range of system information. They allow you to view charts, task lists, etc.
It is possible to integrate them with various SoftExpert Suite components through customized widgets.
See below how to create a portal:
Creating a portal
1. Access the Portals > Create menu.
2. On the portal editing screen, enter a title, select the icon, and describe the portal in the Description field.
3. Enable the Available in mobile version option to access the portal in the mobile version.
4. To enable comments on the portal, check the Allow adding comments on this portal option. Thus, users that follow the portal will be able to add comments, give feedback, etc.
5. Once done, click on Save.

After creating the portal, you will need to configure its elements. Refer to the Adding elements to portals article and learn more.