Data Integration - 2.2.0
REST data sources
We have added support to another authentication mode when creating REST data sources.
On the creation screen (AD052), the OAuth authentication (Password Grant) option has been added, which will allow consuming APIs that use OAuth authentication with Grant Type Password.

New fields in DIINTERFACE
New fields to import the numeric, date, value, and bignumber types have been added.
It is necessary to evaluate the import interfaces to check the use of these fields.
Import scheduling (CM017)
The option to add new import schedulings has changed.
Previously, it was necessary to select between Simple import and Parallel import.
We have simplified this process and the user will no longer have to worry about choosing when creating the record.
API Gateway redirection validation
For the API Gateway integration layer to work correctly, it is necessary to have some redirections configured in the environment.
A validation has been added to checksystem to ensure these redirections are configured correctly.
View the latest improvements made to this component: