SoftExpert Suite Home
- “Home” permission enabled on the Configuration > Access group (CM011) menu.
The Home page is the initial interface of the system, facilitating access to essential SoftExpert Suite information such as menus, charts, files, and records frequently used by the organization.
The portals created on the system can be used as a home, that is, as the homepage of SoftExpert Suite.
Each user has an assigned Home; when a new Home is defined, the previous one is replaced, without the possibility of stacking portals.

Set portal as Home
1. Access the Portals > See all menu.
2. Place the mouse over the desired portal.
3. Click on and select the Set as Home option.
4. On the Set Home screen, assign the home to other users or groups (department, position, teams, etc.).
Specific users | Select or remove specific users. The selected users will have the respective portal as their Home. |
Department | Select or remove departments. Users belonging to one of the selected departments will have the respective portal as their Home. |
Position | Select or remove positions, or positions/departments. Users holding one of the selected positions will have the respective portal as their Home. |
Team | Select or remove teas. Users belonging to one of the selected teams will have the respective portal as their Home. |
5. Click on Save.

By following the described steps, you will be able to configure the Home, which makes it easier to track activities in SoftExpert Suite.