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Training - 2.2.3


Prerequisites for paths

Now, prerequisites are also part of the SoftExpert Training knowledge paths. 

Thus, the essential conditions that must be met to start a path may be specified, and users will not be able to enroll in paths without proper preparation, which will avoid learning difficulties.

To use the new feature, the administrator must choose other paths as prerequisites during the editing of a path. Then, when starting the configured path, a notification will inform participants who do not meet the mandatory prerequisites to proceed. 

With this, learning will be optimized, and the employee development journey will be better directed. Update SoftExpert Training to get this new resource!


Pre-sorting the execution of path courses

Through the Block execution of courses outside the defined sequence option, training administrators will be able to better structure learning paths. 

The new feature requires participants to follow the pre-established order of the courses, preventing more advanced knowledge from being acquired before the most basic content. Simply enable the aforementioned option for the system to inform participants that they must complete the courses in order, without skipping steps.

Update SoftExpert Training and ensure greater quality in the training process with this new feature!


Enabling the change of the effectiveness appraiser for all participants

From this version onwards, it will be possible to edit the effectiveness evaluation appraiser for all training participants. 

The link displayed in the "Edit" column of the evaluation listing will open a screen for the selection of the responsible user.  After selecting the user and saving, the effectiveness appraiser will be changed to all participants. 

If there is an effectiveness evaluation in progress, the system will ask for confirmation to change the appraiser of this participant as well.


Relating objects with courses in the import spreadsheet

In the new version, it will also be possible to associate the course object when creating courses through an import spreadsheet. 

A new column available will allow users to enter the course object ID #, used for document training.

With this feature, when filling out the “Object” and “Make content available to the training participants" columns, the system will automatically create a document-type content with the informed object, facilitating the creation of courses for document training.

For more information on the structure of import spreadsheets, see the updated Integration guide.



Interface for importing attachments into trainings

Importing attachments into trainings through spreadsheets or via Web Service allows for greater flexibility and agility when managing files and certificates associated with the trainings.

Update SoftExpert Training to use this new resource!

For more information about Web Services, see the updated Integration guide.



Unified cost type menu

The Cost type (TR030) menu of SoftExpert Training was unified into the new Financial type (AD070) menu of SoftExpert Administration. Existing types have also been migrated to the new menu.

This change simplifies the creation and allows users to manage the cost types in a single location, optimizing financial management.


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